Friday, July 17, 2009

INCAP update

Michael's INCAP paperwork was not filed on time for this month's paycheck (pay from last month). Allegedly the Major who makes the decision as to whether to do an emergency board has decided to not do an emergency board because of the history of Michael's INCAP packets always being late. Does that make logical sense? To me it makes NO sense. Michael did his part early enough that the paperwork could be filed and passed through the board on time, but because someone did not do their job, we will not get a paycheck this month. I am annoyed and frustrated, but not shocked. The Army usually always makes decisions illogically. It seems to be the norm.

Michael is still working on calling numerous people about this to see if he can get the packet passed via an emergency board, but it is looking like (even if they do pass it through now) we won't get paid until August for June. Adding to all of this, Army personnel like to take off early on Fridays. Also, we still aren't positive when the INCAP will be over and the TDRL pay will take its place.
